UDS Grant Opportunity, Sponsored by Laborie

With the support of Laborie, SUFU Foundation will offer a research grant in the area of UDS. The PI or Mentor of PI must be a SUFU Member in good standing, or must identify a faculty mentor who is a SUFU member in good standing. [Posted 11/01/2024. Submission deadline 12/06/2024. ]

SUFU Member Grant Opportunity

The grant opportunity is for any SUFU member, post training and in good standing, regardless of years in practice. Residents and fellows are not eligible to apply for the SUFU Grant. [Posted 11/01/2024.  Submission deadline 12/162024]

Science Diversity Leadership Award

The Science Diversity Leadership Award (SDLA) will support Principal Investigators who are outstanding early to mid-career biomedical researchers who have a record of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their scientific communities. [Posted 10/03/2024. LOI is due 12/01/2024  5:00pm PT]

Innovative Science Accelerator Program (ISAC)

The ISAC Award provides seed funding for exceptionally innovative, disruptive (high-risk/high-reward) research relevant to Kidney-Urologic-Hematologic communities that has the potential to lead to groundbreaking or paradigm-shifting results that will change the field. [Next deadline 3/12/25]