(4 PM Central | 2 PM Pacific)
Do you want to:
Improve your grant applications to PCORI (or other funders) requiring a stakeholder engagement plan?
Strengthen your research agenda?
More effectively communicate your science to the public?
If so, then this FREE 4-part workshop series may be for you!
What’s involved:
90-minute virtual meeting once/month
March-June 2022; Second Tuesday of the month from 5 – 6:30pm Eastern; special time for May session: 7:30-9:00pm Eastern
Register for full series now, or join in 1st meeting to learn more
Series content:
March: Introductions, review series goals, engagement basics
April: Prepare for meeting with stakeholder group, discuss existing resources
May: Observe actual stakeholder meeting with established Madison-based Community Advisors on Research Design and Strategies (CARDS)® to get feedback on research materials
June: Debrief from CARDS® meeting, generate input on engagement plans shared by series participants, next steps
Series Facilitator:
Gay Thomas, GR Thomas Advisors LLC
20-plus years of experience providing tailored stakeholder engagement consultation on hundreds of funded projects (including 12 PCORIs)
Learn More HERE.
Topic: Stakeholder Engagement Series March
Time: Mar 8, 2022 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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