CAIRIBU Graduate Student Seminar

KAYLIE HINTZE – Graduate student, Tatyana Sysoeva Lab – The University of Alabama in Huntsville

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@ 2:00 pm EDT - 3:00 pm EDT
Zoom Link

(1PM Central | 11AM Pacific)

CAIRIBU Graduate Student Seminars provide an informal, virtual platform that highlights graduate students’ work. These seminars give graduate students an opportunity to share and receive feedback on in-progress ideas or new research. All are welcome to attend to hear the students’ presentations and to participate in discussion. Seminars fall on the third Wednesdays of January, March, May, July, September, November 2024 at 2 PM Eastern.

SPEAKER: Kaylie Hintze – Graduate student, Dr. Tanya Sysoeva’s lab – The University of Alabama in Huntsville

TITLE: “Analysis of Interbacterial Competition Amongst Lactobacilli Isolated From the Human Urinary Tract”


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