Maryellen Kelly
Credentials: DNP, CPNP, MHSc
Position title: Duke KURe Program
Dr. Kelly earned a BS in biology from Fairfield University and a BS in nursing from Columbia University. She then obtained her Masters in Nursing from Columbia University and a Doctorate in Pediatric Nursing from the University of Pittsburgh. In 2015, Dr. Kelly joined Duke University where she practices pediatric urology and conducts clinical research.
Dr. Kelly’s KURe research focused on lower urinary tract symptoms for patients with diabetes. With the increasing number of children being diagnosed with diabetes, known complications of this disease are now being identified in ever- younger patients. Lower urinary tract symptoms are a known complication of diabetes and Dr. Kelly investigated the prevalence of these symptoms in children with diabetes and evaluated possible treatment and prevention options. Her funding includes NIDDK-CAIRIBU- University of Wisconsin – Composition of the Urinary Microbiome in Children (PI) and Pediatric Trials Network- NICHD Defining the Safety and Efficacy of Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation (co-PI).