CAIRIBU Community Grant Workshop – Two New RFAs Provide Seed Funding for Kidney and Genitourinary Research

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(4 PM Central | 2 PM Pacific)
@ 5:00 pm EST
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The CAIRIBU Interactions Core will guide participants through the ATLAS-D2K Opportunity Pool and OKRA Opportunity Pool requests for application by diving into the details and identifying key concepts to address. This short workshop will serve as a launch pad for your grant writing and will generate ideas for future research opportunities. Learn more about the funding opportunities below.


  • 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM  ET (4 PM Central | 2 PM Pacific) – ATLAS-D2K RFA Review and Q&A Session with Dr. Todd Valerius (PI, ATLAS-D2K Center) and Dr. Eric Brunskill (NIH Program Director)
  • 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM ET (4:30 PM Central | 2:30 PM Pacific) – OKRA RFA Review and Q&A Session with Lori Uttech-Hanson (CAIRIBU Interactions Core)

OKRA Opportunity Pool 

The George M. O’Brien Kidney Resource Alliance (OKRA) is a consortium of National Resource Centers whose primary purpose is to provide kidney researchers with specialized resources, tools, technologies, services and expertise beyond those typically available in an individual lab or core. The overarching goal of the OKRA Opportunity Pool Program is to prioritize support for early-stage investigators or investigators new to kidney research who utilize existing OKRA resources or are developing novel tools or resources that will address scientific and technological gaps in kidney research and promote new collaborations. The program welcomes small and larger pilot applications to provide one year of support to fund small and large projects broadly related to kidney research. During this funding cycle, multiple projects will be awarded.

  • Funding amount: Justified total costs (including direct and indirect costs) ranging from $5,000 (for small catalyst awards) up to a maximum of $75,000 (for a full OPP project) for the one-year project period are allowed.
  • Application deadline: Letters of intent are due February 19, 2024. Applicants will be invited to submit a full application on or about March 19, 2024. Full applications will be due six weeks after receipt of the invitation for submission.

ATLAS-D2K Opportunity Pool

The ATLAS-D2K Opportunity Pool funding program aims to address gaps or catalyze new partnerships in kidney and genitourinary research. This specific funding opportunity invites “glue grant” applications from investigators who are working in areas of high relevance to the GenitoUrinary Development Molecular Anatomy Project (GUDMAP) or the (Re)Building a Kidney (RBK) consortium and are currently supported by other significant non-GUDMAP/RBK funding sources. Examples of other significant funding sources include, but are not limited to, an NIH R01, RC2, R21, ISAC award, DP3, U01 award, or a VA MERIT award. Successful glue grants are expected to be mutually beneficial. Applicants should describe how their “parent” project will benefit from being part of GUDMAP or RBK and how GUDMAP or RBK will benefit from partnering with the “parent” project.

  • Funding amount: Glue grant funding will provide $100,000 total costs per year to the “parent” project to support sharing, harmonization, and integration with GUDMAP or RBK of relevant data, software, analytic pipelines, expertise, etc.
  • Application deadline: Friday, March 15th, 2024
  • Contact: Eric W. Brunskill, PhD (, Anna Sadusky, PhD (, or Danny Gossett, PhD (


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