Medical College of Wisconsin P20 Exploratory Center: Virtual Seminar Series Part 1

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@ 4:00 pm EST - 5:00 pm EST

Functional MRI: Methodology and Applications

4 :00 PM Eastern (3 PM Central | 1 PM Pacific)

ORGANIZED BY: Medical College of Wisconsin Center for Translational Interdisciplinary Genito-Urinary Research (a CAIRIBU P20 Exploratory Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology, PI, Kathryn Flynn, PhD)

PRESENTER: Jeffrey Engelmann, PhD

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a reliable, valid, and non-invasive measure of human brain activity. fMRI has been used to study neurobiological mechanisms involved in behaviors, cognitive processes, and mental illnesses. This talk will provide an introduction to fMRI methodology using examples from Dr. Engelmann’s nicotine dependence research. Basics of data acquisition, statistical analysis, and interpretation of results will be covered. The methodological introduction will be followed by discussion of potential applications of fMRI to the mission of the TIGUR Center.

RSVP to for a calendar invite with a Zoom link. Program flyer HERE.