I3: Innovative Idea Incubator – UW-Madison O’Brien Center (U54)

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(2 PM Central | 12 PM Pacific)
@ 3:00 pm EST - 4:00 pm EST
Zoom Link

The CAIRIBU U54 Urology O’Brien Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is hosting its Innovative Idea Incubator series to spark conversation around new concepts, ideas, methods, aims, or interesting results in the field of benign urology with the goal of bringing together complementary but not necessarily overlapping areas of expertise. Presenters will have 5 minutes to present a new result or idea with time to gain valuable feedback from attendees. All are welcome to attend and participate. The organizers especially encourage trainees (post-doc, clinical fellow, resident, graduate students, undergraduate, and high school students) to ask questions first. The organizers also recognize that a diverse group comprising clinicians, basic science researchers, veterinarians, professors, and more is essential to comprehensively shaping research questions and exploring potential avenues for investigation or clinical utility.


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