CAIRIBU ARCTICS Community Forum: Essential Skills – How to Write a Good CV and Bio Sketch

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@ 1:00 pm EDT - 2:00 pm EDT
Zoom Link

(12 PM Central | 10 AM Pacific)

ARCTICS is a virtual community of CAIRIBU trainees and early-stage investigators: Advancing the Research Capacity of Trainees and Investigators at early-Career Stages. These monthly virtual forums are aimed at enhancing the skills and knowledge of early-stage investigators. CAIRIBU ARCTICS Community forums are free to attend and are open to all investigators.

Topic: Essential Skills – How to Write a Good CV and Bio Sketch


Tips from experts on how to build a CV and bio sketch that will enhance your career and funding opportunities. ALL ARE WELCOME.


Luke Urbain – Writing Center Instructor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Maria Hadjifrangiskou, PhD – Associate Director, Vanderbilt Institute for Infection, Immunology and Inflammation; Associate Professor of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology; Associate Professor in Urology

Jill Macoska, PhD – Alton J. Brann Endowed Distinguished Professor of Science and Mathematics, University of Massachusetts Boston; UW-Madison O’Brien Center Project Leader

Jonathan Pollack, MD, PhD – Professor of Pathology, Stanford University; Co-I Stanford University O’Brien Center

Chad Vezina, PhD – Associate Professor of Comparative Biosciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison; UW-Madison O’Brien Center Associate Director



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