CAIRIBU ARCTICS Community Forum: Cracking the Code: A Statistical Editor’s Guide to Mastering Medical Manuscripts

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(12 PM Central | 10 AM Pacific)
@ 1:00 pm EDT - 2:00 pm EDT
Zoom Link

ARCTICS (Advancing the Research Capacity of Trainees and Investigators at early-Career Stages) forums aim to provide resources and skills to the next generation of leaders in non-malignant genitourinary research.

This forum features Rod Dunn, Director of Analytics, Dow Division of Health Services Research, Dept. of Urology, University of Michigan and explores the art and science of statistical analysis and reporting in medical manuscripts. In the first half of the talk, he will share practical suggestions to enhance statistical performance and reporting in your manuscripts. The second half will be interactive. Together, attendees will dissect a real medical manuscript, applying the lessons learned and discussing how to spot and address statistical flaws. One such manuscript we’ll review is “Impact of Foley Catheter Placement by Medical Students on Rates of Postoperative Urinary Tract Infection”

We encourage attendees to review the manuscript before the session and come prepared with questions and comments.


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