NorthShore University Health System and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia were recently announced as the sites for two new CAIRIBU P20 FORWARD Centers.
The P20 FORWARD Center at NorthShore University Health System will be led by PIs, Simon Hayward, PhD and Renee Vickman, PhD. Their project is titled “Validating Mouse Models of Prostatic Hyperplasia,” and aims to address the need to generate a relevant mouse model for BPH. Dr. Petra Popovics and Dr. Nadia Lanman will collaborate with Dr. Hayward and Dr. Vickman to present a new mouse model to the scientific community.
The P20 FORWARD Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia will be led by PIs, David Chu, MD, MSCE, and Gregory Tasian, MD, MSc, MSCE. The “Personalizing Outcomes of Nephrolithiasis in Youth (PONY) P20 Center” aims to develop individualized management strategies for youth, aged 21 years and younger, with nephrolithiasis. They plan to generate new knowledge about 1) the natural history of non-obstructive kidney stones, and 2) the post-operative patient-reported experience following ureteroscopy surgery for stones. Dr. Jonathan Ellison and Dr. Jing Huang will collaborate with Dr. Tasian and Dr. Chu to generate new data regarding youth with nephrolithiasis.
The overall goal of the Fostering Research with Additional Resources and Development (FORWARD) Urology Centers program is to foster and expand the benign urology research community. Each site’s team will be comprised of junior investigators with at least one Early-Stage Investigator (ESI) and/or researcher new to urology. Research Project data are expected to facilitate at least one R01 grant application. Additionally, these Centers will be integrated into the CAIRIBU community, which will grant them access to many research resources as well as invaluable opportunities for collaboration.
These new sites will generate foundational knowledge that will be essential towards the treatment of both BPH and nephrolithiasis. They join currently funded CAIRIBU P20 FORWARD centers at Mayo Clinic Rochester (PIs, Kevin Koo, MD, MPH; John Lieske, MD) and Duke University (PI, Pei Zhong, PhD).
Congratulations to all the investigators!