Dr. Penniston and Dr. Vezina Coordinate KUH Symposium

On August 3-4, 2023, Kristina Penniston, PhD, RDN, and Chad Vezina, PhD, co-PIs of the R25 Summer Program for Undergraduate Urology Research (SPUUR) at UW-Madison, hosted over 150 students and faculty members affiliated with NIDDK-funded R25 undergraduate research programs from 12 institutions across the country in Madison, Wisconsin. The symposium included three poster sessions, lectures from Ebele Umeukeje, MD, MPH (Vanderbilt University), Laura Preves-Helgeson (UTI Health Alliance), Nathan Tykocki, PhD, (Michigan State University, Beaumont/Oakland/Michigan State P20 Exploratory Center), and Gentzon Hall, MD, PhD, (Duke University), a near peer panel on “Graduate School and Beyond”, a career panel on “Different Flavors of Biomedicine, Science and Technology” and a research design competition. Thank you to everyone who participated!