Chicago KUH FORWARD (TL1DK132769) research training program is a cross-disciplinary, mentored research experience that will yield scientific products, leading trainees to accumulate publications, submit individual grant applications and present their work at national scientific meetings.
Pre and Postdoctoral Training Programs
Mayo Clinic Kidney Disease Research Training Program (T32 DK07013)
The Kidney Disease Research Training Program at Mayo Clinic prepares biomedical and clinical scientists for independent investigative careers in academic nephrology and basic renal sciences. Trainees acquire an in-depth education in renal physiology, pathophysiology, or both, and skills in the appropriate basic or applied sciences.
NeuralCODR Postdoctoral Training Program (T32NS126115)
Neural Control of Organ Degeneration and Regeneration (NeuralCODR) is an NIH-funded, cutting-edge, and cross-disciplinary training program at the intersection of neurophysiology and organ engineering/modeling.
Advancing Health Equity and Diversity (AHEAD)
Advancing Health Equity and Diversity (AHEAD) is a mentored professional development program for UW-Madison postdoctoral scholars working in the health sciences conducting research related to health disparities or health equity.