U24 CAIRIBU Interactions Core

The U24 CAIRIBU Interactions Core, led by Kristina Penniston, PhD, RDN, aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration among CAIRIBU-affiliated investigators and within the broader non-malignant genitourinary (GU) workforce. Jennifer Allmaras, MPH is the Interaction Core’s Research Program Manager; Mariana Coughlin, MS is the Research Communications and Outreach Specialist.

The CAIRIBU Interactions Core’s primary objective is to promote advances in scientific knowledge through collaborative, interdisciplinary efforts in basic science, clinical/translational science, and epidemiologic/population science research. Other key objectives are to foster an increase in the number of highly meritorious grants that are submitted by investigators and trainees in areas related to non-malignant GU topics, strengthen the diversity and interdisciplinarity of the non-malignant GU research workforce, and to assist CAIRIBU leaders in developing the next generation of successful non-malignant urology investigators. In order to accomplish these goals, the CAIRIBU Interactions Core facilitates communication and resource-sharing between NIDDK-funded Centers and Programs through regularly scheduled leadership and working group meetings, monthly newsletter communication, the CAIRIBU website, CAIRIBU social media (Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn), and the annual CAIRIBU meeting. To date, the CAIRIBU Interactions Core has developed and coordinated intellectual opportunities that foster inter-center and interdisciplinary collaboration; these include:

  • CAIRIBU ARCTICS Community (ARCTICS = Advancing the Research Capacity of Trainees and Investigators at early-Career Stages) – a virtual trainee community that convenes virtually to provide resources and skills to the next generation of non-malignant GU investigators
  • CAIRIBU Catalyst Conversations – a virtual series that engages investigators from a broad cross-section of urologic research to bring new techniques and tools to benign GU research
  • CAIRIBU Connections – virtual meet-and-greets that provide opportunities for investigators within and outside of CAIRIBU to meet and form new collaborations around similar research
  • CAIRIBU K12 Seminars – sponsored by the UW-Madison U54 George M. O’Brien Urology Center, these virtual seminars feature invited presentations by CAIRIBU-affiliated K12 Scholars
  • CAIRIBU Graduate Student Seminars – virtual seminars designed to showcase graduate students’ research and provide them an opportunity to work on their presentation and communication skills
  • Urinary Microbiota Research Interest Group – multidisciplinary group of investigators from within CAIRIBU and from the broader non-malignant GU research community that meets virtually to discuss collaborative and coordinated approaches to studying the urinary microbiome
  • CAIRIBU Social MediaCAIRIBU on YouTube HERE. Check out our YouTube playlists of videos from the annual CAIRIBU meeting, CAIRIBU ARCTICS Community forums, CAIRIBU Catalyst Conversations, CAIRIBU K12 Seminars, CAIRIBU Connections, and more. CAIRIBU on X HERE.

The Interactions Core continues to identify and develop opportunities to stimulate and promote cross-center research collaborations. Throughout our funding cycle we will implement ongoing and routine evidence-based evaluation methodologies to track and inform the work of the Interactions Core and will disseminate our findings broadly throughout the non-malignant urological research community.

Kristina Penniston curriculum vitae HERE

CAIRIBU Interactions Core Organizational Chart