CAIRIBU O’Brien Center Summer Student Research Jamboree (virtual)

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@ 1:00 pm EDT - 3:30 pm EDT
Zoom Link





(12 PM Central | 10 AM Pacific) The CAIRIBU Interactions Core is again organizing a virtual Summer Student Research Jamboree for students from the CAIRIBU O’Brien Centers at Stanford University (PI, James Brooks, MD), Columbia University (PIs, Jonathan Barasch, MD, PhD, Ali Gharavi, MD, Cathy Mendelsohn, PhD, Anne-Catrin Uhlemann, MD, PhD), and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (PI William Ricke, PhD). Students will present their summer research projects in an interactive virtual program designed to showcase their accomplishments. O’Brien Center leaders, other Center investigators and trainees (including from CAIRIBU P20 Exploratory Centers and K12 Programs), NIDDK Program Officers, and students’ families and friends are invited.